In 2012 I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety.
I have chosen to be open about my battles with this disease and have made it my life’s mission to become a positive champion for this cause.
Weather you hire me for a voice over, station imaging, book a banner campaign or post a job with MilkmanUnLimited.com - please know that a portion of every dollar I earn is donated to mental health causes because, frankly, our mental health care system is grossly underfunded and needs every bit of assistance it can get.
I’m able to contribute as well thanks to advertising dollars and listener crowd funding via my on-line radio station, BlastTheRadio.com as well as through my creative services company, UdderlyCreative.ca
Additionally I have started an on-line video blog titled My Mental Health Moment, with The Mental Health Moments Podcast set to launch soon. A daily mental wellness feature also airs on my radio show with various professionals offering tips to those who struggle to find their way through the darkness.
So... Thanks for helping me to pay it forward!
I have depression. But I REFUSE to be depressed about it.